Girder Fork Tour - 2011 Day 1
Day 1 - Woombye to Tin Can Bay Story by WardyThe 2011 event commenced from the home of the club's editor, Keith & Colleen Canning. The logic behind this move was to get away from the hassle of departing Brisbane on girder fork machines, not really suitable for mixing with peak hour traffic. The other advantage is that we can tour further away from the city in the four days allocated to this event. The alternative would be to extend the run, but if you have ever sat on a girder fork rigid motor cycle for four days, you would appreciate why this choice was not taken. The total distance covered was 425 miles. On arrival at the Canning's we were treated to tea and coffee along with some of Colleen's baked delights which set the mood for Monday's days riding to Tin Can Bay.
With eight bikes and a backup vehicle, warmed & ready our route took us from Woombye, through Dulong to Wappa Dam for a stretch & export the recycled coffee. Travelling through Yandina, Eumundi & Tewantin on a variety of back roads, our plan was to lunch at the Kin Kin Hotel. A slight error of calculation here, "Closed Monday" was prominently displayed on the menu, so Tuesday's morning tea supplies, fruit mince pies, were raided. These little snippets became the staple diet on several occasions! p>
The roads through the Kin Kin area & on to the Tin Can Bay turn off were just wonderful for those old British singles, bends, twists & hills of every angle reflecting the barking exhaust note. Our first stop at Tin Can Bay was the point where we had afternoon tea & was joined by local HMCCQ member, Len Vickery. Photo shows Len inspecting the Norton 16H & the Calthorpe.
Part 2 - Girder Fork Tour Day2